TYPE EFSC - Food grade EPDM delivery hose for steam and hot waterJune 2, 2017Food grade EPDM delivery hose for steam and hot waterApplications:For steam cleaning at Temperatures up to 165 °C and hot waterwashing in food processing plants. Also for transfer of hot liquid foods...MORE
TYPE FSC - Food grade NBR delivery hose for steam and hot waterJune 2, 2017TYPE FSC - Steam Hot Water & Food Hose For steam cleaning at Temperature ranges: up to + 165 ℃ and hot water washing in food processing plants. Suitable for reel mounted applications.MORE
TYPE NFSD - NBR Food Suction and Delivery HoseJune 2, 2017TYPE NFSD - NBR Food Suction and Delivery Hose .
Applications: Suction and delivery of liquid foodstuffs such as fat food, milk, fruit juice, drinks, wine, oil, potable water and alcohol up to 96%. Also for liquid foodstuff tankers. Contains no phthalateMORE
TYPE EFSD - EPDM Food Suction and Delivery HoseJune 2, 2017TYPE EFSD EPDM Food Suction and Delivery HoseApplications: Suction and delivery of liquid foodstuffs such as fruit juice, drinks, wine, potable water and alcohol up to 96%. Also for liquid foodstuff t...MORE
TYPE BFSD-BIIR Food Suction and Delivery HoseJune 27, 2017TYPE BFSD BIIR Food Suction and Delivery HoseApplications: Suction and delivery of liquid foodstuffs such as fruit juice, drinks, wine, potable water and alcohol up to 96%. Also for liquid foodstuff t...MORE
Beer hose is especially suitable for transporting various soft drinks and alcoholic beverage and other liquid drinks, such as beer, juice and potable water. It is widely used in brewery, winery and beverage factories. It is suitable for suction and transport application.
Hose lining: BIIR rubber (90TR), white, odorless, tasteless, smooth and mirror-like.
External rubber: complex rubber, orange, resistance to wear, atmospheric corrosion resistance, aging resistance, smooth and cloth surface.
Enhancement layer: high-strength multideck complex fiber and implanting screw-type metal steel-wire.
Temperature: ﹣40℃ to +120℃
Using no more than 30 minutes under the steam at a temperature of 130℃ or washing and disinfecting with no more than 5% soda water.
Color: transparent color with ivory tint rigid PVC spiral reinforcing rib.
Characteristic: food grade polyether urethane milk delivery soft tube, it has shock-proof rigid PVC spiral reinforcing rib with smooth wall and helical outside surface. It has lightweight, resistance to wear and good racking resistance. It also has good mechanical property and chemical substance resistance. It meets the standard of European food contact safety 10/2011.
Application: suction and transport of food and drinks, it is especially suitable for transporting goods with resistance to wear, such as cereal, granulated sugar, fodder, and flour. It also can be used for liquid good whose alcoholic strength is no more than 20% and greaseless food.